Jennifer wrote:
I do have a question!
Some stepsheets say RIGHT TWINKLE starts with your RF, but some say start with your LF towards the right....
So which is which? Would appreciate any help out there :-)
Tigger answered:
Right, first things first .. the Twinkle is a Ballroom term and thats where the similarity ends.
The Twinkle is performed only by the Lady whereas withing line Dance there is no division. Also within Ballroom the count is six, whereas in Line dance its only three.
If you take the last three counts of the Ballroom Twinkle you have a 'close' affinity to the Linedance version... but only close.
In answer to you question: In BOTH cases you can lead with either the right or left foot. In most cases within Linedance (all within Ballroom) the lead foot crosses OVER the trailing foot.
Simply put - within Ballroom the body is facing the diagonal when performing the count - straightening with the second - and facing (opposite) diagonal with the third (dependent on following combination). Whereas within Linedance - anything goes.
These corruptions of Ballroom terms spread to the very basic Mambo step and other. The Bosa Nova is NOT a dance anywhere except in Linedancing... and they cant even get the rhythmn or tempo right for that.
I know a heck of a lot of people don’t really mind (or even care) about such things - but a large number of Linedancers bemoan that they are not taken seriously by other genre's or the media... one wonders why
Leo Boomen responded:
I think, in order to avoid the confusion, we should write out step sheets in the following ways:
1) Twinkle to the right on left-right-left
2) Twinkle to the left on right-left-right
Any better suggestion?
Tigger agreed:
I agree Leo...
... now all one has to do is try and 'educate' a few thousand Instructors/Choreographers. I dont separate the two as the vast majority of Instructors are also Choreographers - though I strongly suspect they were Instructors first.
and BM Leong advised:
So you choreographers out there, please take note.
( Source: Line Dancer Forum )
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